Gingin Brook - Downstream Cheriton weir
Basin : Moore-Hill rivers
Catchment : Moore River
See site Gingin Brook - Whakea Road
NOTE: In 2011 and 2017 the Gingin Brook - Whakea Road site was separated into two sections, a section where the Brook crosses Whakea Rd and a section approximately 2km downstream at Cheriton weir (site GINGIN01B). Fish traps deployed downstream of the weir. The large pool between these two areas was excluded due to shallow depth and access issues.
Condition summary
Explore other sites in the catchment
- Fletcher Gully - New Norcia Road
- Gingin Brook - Downstream Mungala Brook
- Gingin Brook - Mortimer Street Gauging Station
- Gingin Brook - Upstream Mungala Brook
- Gingin Brook - Whakea Road
- Lennard Brook - Lennards Road
- Lennard Brook - Lennards Road 3
- Lennard Brook - Upstream Brand Highway
- Lower Gingin Brook Downstream
- Lower Gingin Brook Upstream
- Moore River - Lancelin Road Bridge
- Moore River - Mogumber West Nature Reserve
- Moore River - Regans Ford
- Moore River - Upstream Bindoon-Moora Road
- Moore River - Waterville Road
- Moore River North Branch - Bindoon Moora Road
- Moore River North Branch - Dandaragan Street
- Moore River North Branch - Molloy Street Moora
- Moore River North Branch - Upstream of Long Pool Bridge Gauging Station
- Red Gully Creek
- Red Gully Creek South