Community watch
The Government of Western Australia operates a number of programs to rapidly respond to potential environmental issues, including suspected pollution, introduced species, fish kills and algal blooms.
Effective response requires quick action! If you see or hear of anything, please contact us immediately through the relevant programs below. The earlier we know, the more chance we have to respond.
If you would like to know more about how we manage waterways, or if you have any information that may help us to better manage our rivers, please go to the contact us page.

Fish watch
The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation and Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development jointly manage the state's Fish Kill Response. Find out more here.
If you see a fish kill please report it immediately to:
- the FISH WATCH hotline 1800 815 507 (24 hour service)
- your nearest Department of Water and Environmental Regulation office or Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development office

Environment Watch
To report an ennvironmental threat or impact, such as pollution, to rivers contact the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation’s 24 hour hotline – Call 1300 784 782.
Refer to further information on our website: Environment Watch.

Pest watch
The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development needs your help to detect aquatic pests. By using WA PestWatch to report suspected pests, you help detect new pests and monitor the spread of those already here.

Algal watch
If you see an algal bloom report it to:
the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation’s ALGALWATCH Call 6250 8064 (office hours), or email:
your nearest Department of Water and Environmental Regulation office.
Report a security issue