Boodjidup Brook
Basin : Busselton Coast
Catchment : Boodjidup Brook
The condition of the Boodjidup Brook site (site code: BB10BOOD1), in the middle catchment of the Boodjidup Brook, was assessed between 8 and 9 February 2016, over a 100-m length of stream. At this time no previous assessments of river ecology had been reported. The site was sampled in February 2019 and 2024.
The assessment was conducted using standard methods from the South West Index of River Condition. Measures chosen for this assessment included fish and crayfish, macroinvertebrates, aquatic habitat, water quality (dissolved oxygen, temperature, electrical conductivity, and pH logged every 30 minutes from 15 December 2015 to 30 May 2016 and colour, alkalinity, turbidity and nutrients), fringing vegetation, channel morphology, erosion, connectivity, local land use and flow.
Condition summary
An online condition summary for this site has not been prepared. Please contact the Departments River Science team for site information, and see below for links to information on some of the species found at the site.
Fish and crayfish
Three fish and two crayfish species have been found at the site, no exotic species were found.
- Bostockia porosa (Nightfish)
- Galaxias occidentalis (Western Minnow)
- Galaxiella munda (Western mud minnow)
- Cherax cainii (Smooth Marron)
- Cherax quinquecarinatus (Gilgie)
- Westralunio carteri (Carters Freshwater Mussel)
A list of species found in the sub-catchment is provided at the bottom of the page, click on the images to learn more about each species.
Note: only fish and crayfish are targeted by sampling methods, however where other species were caught and/or observed they are included below.